Before using the Python API, execute FlightGoggles binary as described in Using the FlightGoggles Renderer
Users can provide input to the UAV in three different ways: directly command motor speeds, control the vehicle with angular rate controller, and control with waypoints controller.
- proceed_motor_speed(vehicle_id, motor_speed_command, duration) - proceed_angular_rate(vehicle_id, angular_rate_command, thrust_command, duration) - proceed_waypoint(vehicle_id, waypoint_command, duration)
Vehicle’s states are composed of timestamp
, position
, velocity
, acceleration_raw
, acceleration
, attitude_euler_angle
, attitude
, gyro_raw
, angular_velocity
, angular_acceleration
, motor_speed_raw
, motor_speed
, and motor_acceleration
- set_state_vehicle(vehicle_id, **kwargs) - get_state(vehicle_id)
The camera’s position and attitude can be manually changed by set_state_camera
and the latest camera image can be obtained by get_camera_image
- set_state_camera(camera_id, position, attitude) - get_camera_image(camera_id)
This is the example code to run UAV simulation:
import numpy as np from IPython.display import HTML, display from flightgoggles.env import flightgoggles_env if __name__ == "__main__": env = flightgoggles_env() env.set_state_vehicle(vehicle_id="uav1", attitude_euler_angle=np.array([0.,0.,-np.pi/2])) current_pos = env.get_state("uav1")["position"] current_att = env.get_state("uav1")["attitude_euler_angle"] target_pose = np.zeros(4) target_pose[:3] = current_pos + np.array([9.0,0.0,0.0]) target_pose[3] = current_att[2] + np.pi/2 for j in range(400): env.proceed_waypoint("uav1", target_pose, 0.01) ani_set = env.plot_state_video(flag_save=False, filename="uav") display(HTML(ani_set["cam1"].to_html5_video())) env.close()