Before using the Python API, execute FlightGoggles binary as described in Using the FlightGoggles Renderer
Users can add object models such as gate, uav, or car in FlightGoggles environments. Check out Python Parameters to how to add objects model in the environments. The objects' position and attitude can be manually changed by set_state_object
and the current position and attitude can be obtained by get_state_object
- set_state_objects(object_id, position, attitude) - get_state_object(object_id)
This is the example configuration of moving objects:
state: sceneFilename: "Stata_GroundFloor" camWidth: 640 camHeight: 480 camFOV: 70.0 camDepthScale: 0.20 renderer: 0: inputPort: "10253" outputPort: "10254" objects: 0: ID: uav1 prefabID: "BlackEagle" size_x: 5 size_y: 5 size_z: 5 1: ID: gate1 prefabID: "gate" size_x: 200 size_y: 200 size_z: 200 camera_model: 0: ID: cam1 channels: 3 renderer: 0 freq: 30 outputShaderType: -1 hasCollisionCheck: False initialPose: [-8.5, -18.5, -2, 1.0, 0, 0, 0] vehicle_model: uav1: type: "uav" initialPose: [-6.5, -18.5, -1, 1.0, 0, 0, 0] imu_freq: 200 objectsInfo: uav1: relativePose: [0, 0, 0, 0.707, 0, 0, -0.707]
In this configuration, we add two objects (uav and gate). The uav object is attached to the vehicle model uav1
This is the sample code for simulation:
import numpy as np from IPython.display import HTML, display from flightgoggles.env import * if __name__ == "__main__": env = flightgoggles_env() env.set_state_vehicle(vehicle_id="uav1", attitude_euler_angle=np.array([0.,0.,-np.pi/2])) target_pose = np.zeros(4) target_pose[:3] = env.get_state("uav1")["position"] + np.array([9.,-1.,0.]) target_pose[3] = env.get_state("uav1")["attitude_euler_angle"][2] + np.pi/2 # Set gate position env.set_state_object("gate1", np.array([-2.5,-18.,-0.2]), Euler2quat(np.array([0,-np.pi/2,0]))) for j in range(200): env.proceed_waypoint(vehicle_id="uav1", waypoint_command=target_pose, duration=0.01) ani_set = env.plot_state_video(flag_save=False, filename="uav", dpi=400) if "cam1" in ani_set.keys(): display(HTML(ani_set["cam1"].to_html5_video())) env.close()
Fig 1. The result of the example code
python_api_uav.mp4 (video/mp4)
python_api_car.mp4 (video/mp4)
python_api_car.mp4 (video/mp4)
python_api_uav.mp4 (video/mp4)
moving_objects.mp4 (video/mp4)
python_api_car.mp4 (video/mp4)
python_api_car.mp4 (video/mp4)
python_api_uav.mp4 (video/mp4)
moving_objects.mp4 (video/mp4)